Monday, December 13, 2010

Exercise, Speed Bumps, and a Positive Thought

This morning and last night I did two mini-workouts. Both which tired me out. (Typing is a bit hard because my arms are still shaky). But the thing is, I did it. Happily :)

In high school I was an avid athlete. Cross-Country, Soccer, and Track and Field were the names of my games. I was extremely competitive, and worked harder than I ever had 6 days a week. Then came college. Late nights of studying made it hard to get up and run, and while training for my first half-marathon I injured my knee (doctor's couldn't figure it out after countless MRIs and told me to just take a break). So I did. But after that, even though my knee was better, it was just so hard to get into running again. I went from running 7 miles with ease to barely being able to finish 2. That is demoralizing. After months of no exercise, I broke my foot. Which put me on crutches and a couch for almost 3 months. Losing my ability to walk and skip and jump and dance... and all the other things people do on their feet made me realize how much I missed being active. (I guess it's a case of you want what you can have).

So, I am determined to start running again. I plan to start in January (giving my foot further healing time) but in the meantime I will start doing spin classes and elliptical training to get my cardio back up without putting too much weight on my foot too soon. I am also doing some small weight training (my mini home workouts) to make sure my body is prepared to start running again. I would like to run the Gasparilla 5k on February 27th (and post a "decent" time). This is foot allowing of course.

Speed Bumps, what I call exercise interrupters, can come in many forms. I have experienced speed bumps due to both injury and just lack of desire. But starting small is the key to getting back into it. And not just starting small, but doing something you enjoy!!! If you hate running, don't do it. You won't anyway. Do something you love whether you are a gym rat, a runner, biker, a dancer, hiker. Even if it is just walking each morning or evening. The euphoric post-workout feeling is what keeps me going. And sometimes I just do a small workout to get a taste of it which keeps me coming back for more. It's like what I said about food. The more you exercise the more you will want to.

On the food topic, this morning my healthy breakfast was a bowl of vanilla yogurt with strawberries and blueberries and the YUMMY!!! Bear Naked vanilla almond church Fit Granola. I love that stuff!!! I also love the commentary on the back of the bag. This one says, "So now you have a choice - to spend your time counting calories... or to spend your calories doing things that count!"

What are your ways to combat speed bumps in your exercise?


Trevor said...

I find that, like you said, starting small and doing it regularly helps. Then once you get into a routine, you can do little increases, and before you know it you're doing things you couldn't before. Knowing my fiancée is going to bug me if I don't exercise helps too.

Christina Akin said...

That always helps! :) Accountability is everything.

Gina Leigh said...

Yea!!! So proud of're up and going. Plus there is nothing like posting a goal for the entire world wide web to see to provide a bit of accountability! :-)

Christina Akin said...

I know right! :)