Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Starting up the Workouts...

Well, running buddy had some extended holiday dealings and relatives still in town so we didn't get to run that morning. But I was not gonna just sit on my bottom, so I went to the gym with my dad. I did 25 mins of hills on the elliptical, then some arm and ab workouts. I have to say, the feeling you get for the rest of the day after working out in the morning is incredible and addicting. It gets me out of bed some days. :) I went again to the gym Monday morning, but my plans to do 45 mins of cardio on the elliptical got stifled from the early morning nausea I get when I try to workout without having eaten anything. I made about 20 mins of weak cardio, then moved on to arms and abs. By the end of the workout I was feeling better, so I got back on the elliptical and did 25 mins of hills. Needless to say, my legs were a bit tired the rest of the day.

This morning running buddy and I were able to finally get out there, and we hated every minute of it. But, we did it! We ran 2 miles this morning, and I about died. My legs felt okay from all the hill workouts I have been doing, but my cardio is not too great right now. It's okay though, the worst days are over and it is only up from here. :) Though I am a little frightened about my 5k in February, the thought of having to do 3 miles fast is daunting at the moment, it is motivating me to get out there.

So, on to the next day. I will blog about my New Orleans trip soon, when I finally upload the pictures. :)

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