Saturday, March 7, 2009

Who is left to blame? Me.

Morning Light

I wake up, first to find
That empty night still on my mind
And all I want to do is shut my eyes
Shut out memories, but I can't hide
So face to face, I embrace this day
Dreading what tomorrow holds
But I am strong, and I can take
Whatever remnants remain of old
And maybe this morning light
Can heal me from my broken night
Maybe I will be alright
Maybe not everything is ruined


Trevor said...

This is a lot like Lam 3:14-23

Anonymous said...

i really like the line, "Whatever remnants remain of old" I think you really put a lot in that single line there. I like how you go back and forth some to. We get a feel for the tiny battle in your heart. The overall mood is somber but every now and then you throw in a line that gives the feeling of hope. Still i think you had a fitting end tho this poem... with the "maybe"'s