Friday, January 30, 2009

Just for fun.

This is a piece I wrote for my creative writing class. The assignment was to write a description of a person, meaning we cannot use the verb "to be" or any expository words or phrases. I particularly like my use of alliteration, but I guess that is subjective. Enjoy.

Dancer’s Pose

Black thread encapsulates her flawless figure, bending backward, pushed by an imaginary breeze. One pallid, palm grips a wooden bar, while her opposite arm stretches through the damp air. Her face, tossed back into the light, reflects only one darkened eye and tight, pursed lips, exposing her intense concentration. Ebony hair, tightened into a rigid bun, yields no comfort, yet maintains the streamline stature. Her breasts, followed down to her navel, form a crescent moon, leading then to creamy, thick thighs peeking out between opaque tights and a stretched leotard. One leg bends forward, bow-shaped and poised to release a poisoned arrow. The other limb extends outward, compelling the chalky floor to mirror pink, pointed toes, elongating her elegant and sultry body.

- Christina

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